Review: Carrie by Stephen King

Publication date

5 April 1974

Standalone or series


First time reading this author?

No (also not the first time I’ve read this book).

Why I picked this

There’s a lot of reflection in the author’s note of Stephen King’s most recent short story collection and it’s prompted me another re-read of his back catalogue.

Review copy or purchase

I’ve had this in paperback for a long time, but bought both the ebook and audiobook to support this re-read.

What it’s about

Carrie White is the butt of bullying and jokes. Tormented at home and at school when she finds how to use her new powers it’s time for revenge.


I forget sometimes how short Carrie is, and how much the central story and resolution is acknowledged from the start. But, what is always clear in my memory is how unflinching it is in showing the complications of group think against an outsider. Of being caught up in the mob reaction and of being the single very alone person on the receiving end. Like everything that followed Carrie shows that Stephen King has never been a simple horror writer, he’s a people observer and the horror/supernatural just provides a context within which to explore humanity.



Published by Lisa Potter

A professional communicator who loves reading for leisure and learning.

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