The Accomplice

Another excellent Eddie Flynn story

Book title

The Accomplice


Steve Cavanagh

Standalone or series

Series (book seven in the Eddie Flynn series)

First time reading this author?


Why I picked this

Because Steve Cavanagh is a genius and Eddie Flynn is the perfect series lead.

Review copy or purchase

Purchased in hardback and ebook as Waterstones had warned there would be a delay in my signed hardback reaching me and I couldn’t wait to start reading.

What it’s about

The main suspect in the Sandman serial killings has gone missing. But, police and prosecutors are convinced that his wife covered up for the killer and are willing to push it all the way to accusing her of being partly responsible for the murders themselves. Eddie Flynn is her only hope of getting out from under the murder charges if she can persuade him that she is truly innocent.


Twisty, funny and very, very clever, this is another excellent Eddie Flynn story from the incomparable Steve Cavanagh.

My heart was in my mouth throughout this book, because I’ve had a bad feeling that Steve’s intent on killing off one of Eddie’s group of friends soon, or at least in making sure reader’s believe that no one is safe. I’m not going to say whether anything does happen to any of them in The Accomplice, but that message that no one is safe is one you should take to heart when you’re reading this.

Eddie remains the best character, while references to his con man past have become less and less frequent as the series progresses, his willingness to push the boundaries of the laws and test the patience of the courtroom (and the ways those in positions of power and privilege make the rules work for them) comes right to the fore in this book. The cleverness of the writing and the set-up, that even when you know that there’s something else going on the actual outcome to Eddie’s playing people off each other still feels fresh, impactful and funny in the right places.

I can see a full re-read of the Eddie Flynn series coming soon for me, because a whole year of waiting for the next book is just too hard. Although I know that the author will make that wait worth every minute, just as he has for this book.


Rating: 5 out of 5.
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